The R Company: Maximize Performance with Agility

3 min readJun 8, 2021

Key principles for resilient organizations #2

While business resilience is often confused with business continuity, it is important to mark out the difference: Resilience demands companies to pursuit a holistic approach to the transformational process they face. In fact, it might be the highest aim for resilient organizations to break the siloed mentality that has separated different risk areas, and instead bring them together in an interdisciplinary approach for the greater good.

As we talked about the importance of a lean culture in last week’s edition of our blog post series on the R Company, we are going to broaden our perspective for another key principle in this article.

Organizations that have been able to absorb and adapt to the challenges they are facing in today’s business world are by definition resilient. The important question to ask is: What creates this kind of resilience, and how can companies apply the lessons? One answer we found in our research is agility.

Maximize Performance with Agility

Agile transformation can have a powerful impact on the ground-line of enterprise performance. It has been a desirable concept in recent years but became a necessary feature of any organization due to the events of the pandemic.

Within agile organizations, people can redirect and set priorities toward value-creating opportunities. They combine both: speed and stability. The successful implementation of agile structures does help to clarify roles, support innovation, and ensure operational discipline. Especially these aspects can lead to great outcomes for organizational health and performance.

In addition, executives need to focus on improved customer satisfaction, employee engagement and operational performance as aspects of agile change. The reinforcement of these benefits leads to improved financial performance.

Executives need to focus on improved customer satisfaction, employee engagement and operational performance as aspects for agile change. The reinforcement of these benefits will lead to improved financial performance.

We at Avance know that to create an agile organization, leaders need to implement agile project management:

The benefits of an agile transformation combined with lean methods across the value chain enable efficiency of the workflows. This empowers not only people, but also catalyses innovations that make a difference. Finally, through agile management, the performance climbs up to a whole new level. Beyond expectations.

Creating resilient organizations means to emphasize on agility at the core. Whether we look at the current crisis or future challenges yet to materialize: The R Company needs agility to recover, preserve and create value.

How are you going to reshape your business with agility towards resilience?

Connecting the dots of the key principles for resilient organizations we are going to illuminate on a further aspect of the R Company in our next blog post, stay tuned and change ready!




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