“The R Company”

6 min readMay 17, 2021


Key principles for resilient organizations

In the recent year of the pandemic, the principles of business continuity and crisis management have blended with those of change management. A stronger emphasis on organizational resilience has proven to be necessary. The R Company describes the archetype of a resilient organization that understands the need to respond and adapt to a rapidly changing, hyper-connected world.

With the idea of resilience, active change management is being taken one step further: Resilient organizations are known to be change-ready. Always.

The R Company integrates a range of values into its culture that help thrive in the face of change. Our key design pillars are: Lean, agile, digital.

In order to understand how to successfully transform organizations and gain resilience, let’s take a closer look at the key principles of the R Company.

Anchor lean culture in your DNA!

The culture of a company is not just like its personality, but much more like its DNA. We might think we follow our targets, procedures and guidelines, but our company culture defines how people interact and communicate with each other and how work will get done. That is why it can support the performance of the company, but it can also harm it.

On the way to lean operations, it is necessary to follow a holistic approach. Furthermore, this means it is necessary to integrate lean values and concepts into the DNA of an enterprise. A lean culture supports and enables the resilient transformation of a company.

They key to a company’s culture are its people. Indeed, one can even say the culture is shaped and made up by each life experience an employee brings into the organization. Leaders and executives need to understand their roles in decision-making to shape their team’s impact on the culture efficiently.

For the implementation of lean structures, it is important to keep in mind that “lean” is an overall system which represents a holistic cultural change in an organization. In essence, a lean culture is a learning culture, driven by client focus and moving towards continuous improvement.

Building a lean culture is about making everyone understand where waste exists and enabling them to erase it. In fact, it is about people questioning the things they do and acting on facts instead of opinions. Consequently, a lean culture requires everyone to work together.

Maximize performance with agility!

Agile transformation can have a powerful impact on the ground line of enterprise performance. It has been a desirable concept in recent years but became a necessary feature of any organization due to the events of the pandemic.

Agile organizations can quickly redirect their people and priorities toward value-creating opportunities. They combine both: speed and stability. To elaborate, the successful implementation of agile structures helps clarify roles, support innovation, and ensure operational discipline. Especially these aspects can lead to positive outcomes for organizational health and performance.

In addition, executives need to focus on improved customer satisfaction, employee engagement and operational performance as aspects for agile change. The reinforcement of these benefits leads to improved financial performance.

We strongly believe that agile organization management helps to focus on now and enables leaders to stay focused till the job is done. This mean executives bring teams from all levels on board. The co-creation of changes keeps the involvement and the motivation high.

The benefits of an agile transformation across the value chain enable efficient success of the value chain and workflows. This empowers not only people, but also catalyses innovations that make a difference. Finally, through agile management, the performance of an organization can rise to outstanding levels.

Thrive in the digital now!

We all know: Machines can’t do everything, and, in the end, what really counts is being human. However, the future of work is here, and it came fast. In the wake of the global pandemic, organizations must adapt resiliently and evaluate the perfect mix of humans and technology to support engagement, productivity, and growth.

The digital changes we have seen in the last years indicate a more permanent way of working in our future. For organizations to transform into the resilient digital workplace of tomorrow, they must act today. This transformation, however, requires an understanding of the driving factors of digitization and how best to plan, organize and execute new ways of working.

Organization must find their position in the future of work and understand how to reshape their teams’ experiences, only then they will be able to resiliently adapt to a new paradigm.

Enable strategic alliances!

Achieving transformational growth as an organization is a tough task. An alternative to going solo is to collaborate in strategic alliances to share knowledge and create win-win situations.

To be able to provide a nurturing ground for inspiring collaboration, it is important that organizations focus on their values. This critical understanding helps to figure out what they can provide and what it is that the company is looking for. After all, strategic alliances are not about eliminating differences, but rather about finding a way to utilize them to create value.

Leaders must actively foster collaborative behaviour to gain resilience through strategic collaboration by understanding their position and their goals. The aim of collaborative behaviour does also apply between teams and projects inside the organization. After all, only if we strategically follow each step along our value chain, we are enabling a holistic change. The rewards of focusing on resilient alliance practice can be great.

Invest in knowledge & know-how!

Continuous learning is a philosophy that businesses need to implement into their culture to gain resilience. Moreover, it is beneficial for executives, employees, and for financial success. In fact, lifelong learning supports the growth of an organization and creates opportunities in a multi-perspective way.

Ideas around continuous learning address different topics. The key parameter is to always expand your knowledge to gain new skills and expertise. Leaders provide the tools and resources necessary to enable a holistic, steady learning process along the value chain.

Investing in knowledge and continuous learning has multiple positive effects on an organization. In a rapidly changing work world, the constant building of know-how helps leaders and employees to be able to adapt quickly. Staying up to date with different tools like new technologies, practices, or industry developments keeps an organization at a high-quality standard. Another important benefit is the avoidance of short-sightedness. With the right training tools, and in some cases through consultation of a strong partner, the business is constantly being pushed forward.

An open environment that allows people to share knowledge is essential. Through this fundamental principle, best practices can be discovered, and errors can be resolved. In the end, all these factors contribute to an organization developing the skills it needs to be the most successful.

Celebrate people!

Productivity and progress are based on the resilience of people and organizational structures. The true potential for transformation lies within the people of a company. To foster resilience, enterprises need to understand and engage their teams. A satisfied employee, who feels nurtured and included, affects every process along the value chain positively.

There are many ways to create value for employees, for example: Scheduling regular check-ins, monitoring workloads, planning team-building activities, providing growth opportunities and recognizing those who go above and beyond.

Considering the intensive pressure of the pandemic, these possibilities are not a luxury but a necessity for the resilience of people and organizational structures.

Becoming the R Company

The resilience of an organization is related to the resilience of other organizations on which it depends, to the individual resilience of its teams, the resilience of the communities they live in, of its sector, and it is even intertwined with the resilience of the nation it is located in.

The term of the R Company might seem fashionable, but as a matter of fact, it is the survival method for the future. Undoubtedly, a future in which companies and people, must be able to thrive in change and save the planet.

Hence, becoming the R Company is not a trendy slogan, but an implementation of values, organizations need to understand that and execute it to ensure continuous success.

Are you interested on finding out more on organizational resilience? Get in touch with us via https://avancegroup.eu




Written by Avance


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